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Blog Archive

Regain Confidence in the Bedroom with Vaginal Rejuvenation Mar 6th, 2025

Confidence is a key part of life, including (and especially) intimacy. But for many women, factors like aging, childbirth, and hormonal changes can lead to vaginal laxity, dryness, and discomfort — issues that can impact both confidence and enjoyment in the bedroom.  If you’re one of the many women whose...

Struggling with Acne? Find Out More About Microneedling Feb 12th, 2025

Acne is one of those unfortunate rites of passage most of us must endure, but it’s also supposed to have an end date.  Once you leave puberty, breakouts become even more frustrating and, let’s be honest, embarrassing.  That’s where Dr. Chinyere Orafu and our team of experts at the Ohio...

 New Year, New You: Feel Even More Beautiful with Our Lash Treatments! Jan 16th, 2025

Lose weight, read more books, cook more meals at home — these are all excellent New Year’s Resolutions, but let’s face it, they aren’t easy to keep.  You’re in the right place if you’re resolving to enhance your appearance and boost your confidence. Dr. Chinyere Orafu and our team of experts...

Here's How DAXXIFY Can Help With Your Headaches Dec 16th, 2024

Pain killers, caffeine cutbacks, hot and cold therapy — you’ve tried every tip and trick out there to get a handle on your headaches to no avail. But you haven’t tried everything yet.  Most don’t consider a medical spa a logical stop in their headache treatment journey, but we might...

Am I A Good Candidate for Laser Hair Removal? Nov 11th, 2024

Does your unwanted body hair seem like a mythological creature, sprouting ten more hairs every time you shave, pluck, or wax? You’re not alone. Unwanted body hair is one of the main complaints we hear at the Ohio Laser & Wellness Center — and it’s also one of the easiest...

Will Spider Veins Go Away on Their Own? Oct 18th, 2024

October is a fun month for embracing all things spidery, but it’s no laughing matter when your veins get in on the act and cast a web on your face and legs. If you’re here to find out how to ghost your spider veins, you’ve come to the right place....

Is O Wave the Secret to Better Orgasms? Sep 9th, 2024

Women make up 50% of the population, but somehow, men get the lion’s share of sexual pleasure. No, it’s not fair and doesn’t have to be that way. If you struggle to reach an orgasm or have never had one, you’re not alone. The sisterhood of orgasm-challenged women is in...

Tighten Your Skin from Head to Toe with RF Microneedling Aug 15th, 2024

Father Time hasn’t been kind to your skin. Over the years, your skin has started to sag, wrinkle, and sport pockmarks and hyperpigmented spots.  Fortunately, revolutionary skin tightening treatments like radiofrequency (RF) microneedling can help you reverse the effects of aging and years of damage.  In this blog, Dr. Chinyere...

3 Must-Know Treatments for Acne Scars Jul 26th, 2024

You finally got rid of the pimples, but everywhere you go, the evidence of your battle with acne is all over your face.  Acne scars are frustrating — perhaps just as much as the breakouts that preceded them. But the good news is you’re not stuck with them forever. They...

Improve Your Sex Life With Votiva® Jun 24th, 2024

From puberty, childbirth, and labor to menstruation and menopause, women experience some of the most violent health extremes possible. These ups and downs affect their physical, emotional, and mental health. Unfortunately, you can also add sexual health to the list.  Dr. Chinyere Orafu and our Ohio Laser & Wellness Center...

Does Electrical Muscle Stimulation Really Work? Improve Your Glutes and Tighten Your Abs With InMode May 2nd, 2024

You work hard on your body, and you know it takes a careful balance of diet and exercise to achieve the best results.  Unfortunately, even with all your effort, that chiseled figure of your dreams seems just out of reach.  Until now.  Dr. Chinyere Orafu and our Ohio Laser &...

Laser Hair Removal Has Become Even More Comfortable With Soprano ICE Platinum Apr 1st, 2024

Let’s face it: There’s nothing comfortable about dealing with unwanted body hair. Whether you’re a dedicated waxer, married to your favorite razor, or a serial plucker, you’re bound to experience some pain.  Even many advanced laser treatments, though faster and more efficient, cause discomfort during treatment.  Not anymore.  Dr. Chinyere...

Conquer Melasma with Tixel & Chemical Peels Mar 13th, 2024

If you haven’t noticed, there’s been a shift in beauty standards lately. Gone are the days of the smokey eye and the super-rouged cheeks. Now, it’s all about natural, minimalistic, effortless beauty. But what if melasma is forcing you to hide behind concealer? That’s when you turn to our expert. ...

Why Proper Skin Care Is Essential After Microneedling Feb 1st, 2024

Microneedling is one of the industry’s leading minimally invasive cosmetic procedures. This procedure uses skin pricks to stimulate circulation, collagen growth, and new cell turnover, taking your skin from wrinkled, scarred, and uneven to smooth, bright, and radiant. But we don’t often discuss what happens between your appointment and your...

Laser Treatments for Acne: What You Should Know Jan 16th, 2024

The science sounds almost too good to be true: Aim a beam of light at your zits, and they’re gone in a flash. However, laser treatments for acne aren’t always so simple, especially when you throw in factors like your skin type and the severity of your acne.  Dr. Chinyere...

Why Is My Face Always So Red? Dec 6th, 2023

An embarrassing moment, a heated argument, an intense workout — you expect your face to flush in times like those. A flash of red swells up in your neck and cheeks, and within minutes, it fades back to your normal skin color.  But what are you supposed to do when...

How Chemical Peels Transform Your Complexion Nov 1st, 2023

Chemical peels are tired, damaged skin’s best friend and regular treatments can radically improve the appearance of your facial skin, decolletage, and neck — some even have their aging hands treated. The acids in chemical peels are where these treatments get their power. Each peel has a different concentration designed to...

The Secret to More Powerful Orgasms Is Here Oct 1st, 2023

The female orgasm — sitcoms make fun of it, many women think it’s a myth, and men almost altogether forget about it. But if we’re being honest, having orgasms is a key health booster for women, improving mood, improving sleep, strengthening pelvic floor muscles, and even relieving pain.  Why, then,...

4 Benefits of Laser Skin Rejuvenation Sep 1st, 2023

Despite your best efforts, keeping your skin looking young and healthy forever seems impossible, as weather, age, and gravity take their toll.  Fortunately, you don’t have to accept skin problems as your fate. Dr. Chinyere Orafu and our team at Ohio Laser & Wellness Centers offer a wide range of...

Can I Get Laser Hair Removal with Tattoos? Aug 1st, 2023

As our modern lives become busier and busier, efficiency is king. And few things are less efficient than removing unwanted body hair. You’re either stuck in your shower or beholden to monthly appointments at a salon. It’s time-consuming, expensive, and the results are hardly impressive.  Enter laser hair removal.  Laser...

Is Daxxify® Better Than Botox®? See Why Everybody's Talking About It Jul 13th, 2023

For years, Botox® had reigned supreme as the best way to reduce the appearance of dynamic wrinkles — even when competitors pushed out products like Dysport®, Botox injections remained the gold standard.  But all of that could be changing.  The FDA recently gave a new brand its stamp of approval, and...

The Magical Effects of Tixel® Skin Resurfacing Jun 1st, 2023

Your skin is one of the first things people notice about you — What’s it saying? You’re missing out on the best that life offers if your skin isn’t giving off a confident, youthful vibe.  Feeling comfortable in your skin often starts with having young, healthy-looking skin but dealing with...

Smoother and Slimmer with Sculpt™ May 14th, 2023

If you spend two minutes scrolling on social media or watching the newest reality TV show — what do you notice? Virtually everyone has a perfectly shaped figure with smooth skin. You might throw up your hands and think they have stellar genetics, and a body like that is out...

Try Laser Technology to Treat Your Rosacea Apr 1st, 2023

You blush at a compliment and turn dark red when caught in a lie — but when your cheeks are rosy 24/7, it takes a toll on your confidence, and that’s what’s in store when you have rosacea. Redness might not even be your biggest complaint. Small bumps, dry patches,...

RF Microneedling: Plump and Tighten Your Skin Without Plastic Surgery Mar 12th, 2023

For years you enjoyed skin that looks like it belongs in a cosmetics commercial. Now, it’s starting to resemble something closer to an old catcher’s mitt. Unfortunately, everything from the sun to pollution to the gradual effects of time attacks your skin from the inside out.  Before thinking about going...

Swear Off Acne For Good With AviClear™ Feb 9th, 2023

Acne: it truly is a four-letter word. But it doesn't have to lord over your life. We're not talking about smothering your skin with creams and chemicals, and we're not recommending you pick and pop your pimples. We're talking about a revolutionary approach to fighting against acne. Dr. Chinyere Orafu...

Yes, You Can Remove Hair There Dec 30th, 2022

If smooth, hairless skin is the standard of beauty, you might wonder why we have it in the first place. The truth is — body hair serves several purposes, including regulating body temperature and protecting skin from minor abrasions. The hair on your arms even acts as an alarm system,...

What Does the Opus Plasma™ Laser Treat? Nov 15th, 2022

Opus Plasma™ is a new and innovative skin resurfacing technology that can help improve the texture and tone of your skin. It combines plasma with radiofrequency (RF) energy to reverse the effects of aging, like wrinkles and sun damage. Chinyere Orafu, MD, FACOG, and our team at Ohio Laser & Wellness Centers offer this state-of-the-art...

Tighten Your Core with Evolve Tone® by InMode™ Oct 10th, 2022

We all know those people in our lives who can cut calories for a few weeks, hit the gym once or twice, and suddenly show up with chiseled abs. If wishing made it so, we would all get muscle definition that easily.  Unfortunately, no matter how much you focus on diet and...

The Benefits of Vaginal Rejuvenation with Morpheus8 V Sep 8th, 2022

From age to the side effects of childbirth, the vagina goes through violent changes that lead to frustrating problems, including dryness, sexual dysfunction, discomfort, abnormal bleeding, incontinence, laxity, and more. Unfortunately, many women accept this as a part of life and never get the help they need or deserve.  We...

Suffering from Urinary Incontinence? Learn How VTone Can Help Aug 15th, 2022

It’s never easy to talk about problems you’re having “down there,” especially when you’re an adult who can’t control your bladder. But you should know that there’s help for urinary incontinence.  Dr. Chinyere Orafu at Ohio Lasers & Wellness Centers knows how frustrating urinary incontinence can be. She offers her patients a way...

Uncover a Younger Version of Yourself with Our Revitalization Treatment Jul 27th, 2022

You look in the mirror to find that the aging process is belying that youthful spirit you still feel inside. As you sift through the many options for hitting the reset button on your skin — chemical peels, laser treatments, facelifts — we want to draw your attention to an...